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CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 5/5/21

Strength Week 1

A. 3 sets
A1. 10 Clean grip deadlift.
Rest 90sec.
A2. 8/side Goblet hold Curtsy squat @ tempo 21X1. Rest 90sec.

5 rounds for time.
15 Wall ball.
15 Toes to bar.

See SugarWOD for more details

Today’s WOD 4/5/21

StrengthWeek 1.
A. 3 sets
A1. 10 Barbell strict press.
Rest 90sec.
A2. 10 Supinated grip strict pull up (Use band if needed).
Rest 90sec.

Murph prep.

2 sets 6min Amrap/Rest
3min b/t sets.
20/15 Calories.
10 Push up.
10 Pull up

Today’s WOD 3/5/21

Strength. Week 1
Back squat
3 sets 10 reps.
Rest 2.30min b/t sets.

10min Amrap.
2 Lateral pogo burpee over barbell.
3 Power clean.
4 Lateral pogo burpee over barbell.
3 Power clean.
6 Lateral pogo burpee over barbell.
3 Power clean.

Add 2 reps to lateral pogo burpee over barbell each rd.
After each 3 rounds add 3 reps to Power clean.

See SugarWOD for RX+/RX/Scaled

Home Gyms 28/4/21

15min build to max load.
Hang power snatch + Overhead squat + Power snatch + Overhead squat
(Must be completed unbroken).

3 rounds of
Hang power clean. RX 45/30kg. Scaled 35/25kg.

Rest 3min.

2 rounds of
Single arm dumbbell snatch. RX 22.5/15kg. Scaled 17.5/10kg.
Dumbbell box step up 24″/20″.

Today’s WOD 28/4/21

Warm up
3 sets.
8/side Single leg toe touch.
8 Alternating single arm down dog.
45sec Dead bug home position hold.

10min omem.
Odd min. 20sec Amrap Alternating dumbbell snatch + hang snatch.
Even min. 20sec Amrap Alternating dumbbell deadlift + clean + hang clean

3 rounds of
Single arm dumbbell power clean.
Air squat.

Rest 3min.

2 rounds of
Single arm dumbbell snatch.
Alternating forward lunge.

Home Gyms 26/4/21

8-10 sets.
3 Box squat @ 60-70% (Speed).
Rest 60sec b/t sets.
Set box height 1″ above parallel.

Rescue Freedom.
12min Amrap.
20 Toes to bar.
40 Thrusters 20/15kg.
100 Double unders.

Today’s WOD 26/4/21

Warm up
3 sets.
10/side Staggered stance toe touch.
10 Alternating lateral lunge w/t forward reach.
60sec Dead bug (Legs only).

12min omem.
1. 30sec Front rack hold reverse lunge to knee lift (Right).
2. 20sec Side plank (Right).
3. 30sec Front rack hold reverse lunge to knee lift (Left).
4. 20sec Side plank (Left).

12min Ascending ladder
2 SA Russian swings.
2 Heel hook assisted pistol.
2 Alternating single leg V up.
Add 2 reps each round.

Saturday Session 24/4/21

Teams of 2.

Part A.
20min Amrap (Athletes share reps).
100 Double unders.
50 Med ball cleans.
100 Double unders.
50 Single arm sumo deadlifts.
100 Double unders.
50 Thrusters (Both hands on dumbbell).

Rest 5min.

Part B.
10min Amrap (Athletes share reps).
10 x 25′ Lateral shuttles.
30 Single arm dumbbell hang clean & jerk.

Home Gyms 24/4/21

Hero WOD

Zachary Tellier

  • For Time
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 50 Lunges
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 50 Lunges
  • 100 Sit-Ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 50 Lunges
  • 100 Sit-Ups
  • 150 Air Squats

Today’s WOD 8/12/20

Zoom Class + Limited/No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
10 Alt reverse lunge w/t overhead reach.

10 Prisoner Good mornings.

20 Glute bridge march.

Midline strength.
A. 3 sets.
A1. 30sec Hollow rocks (Scale as needed).
Rest 60sec.
A2. 5-10 Toes to object (DB/KB/Odd object).
Rest 60sec.
A3. 10-20 Weighted Plank pull through (DB/KB/Odd object).
Rest 60sec.

12min Amrap (From Russia with love).
10/arm Single arm Russian swings (DB/KB/Odd object).
20 Russian twists (L+R 1 rep).
10/arm Single arm Bent over row (DB/KB/Odd object).
20 Alt Russian step ups.

Home Gyms 8/12/20 Programming

Midline strength.
A. 3 sets.
A1. 45sec Straddle hollow rocks.
Rest 60sec.

A2. 5-10 Strict toes to bar (Scale Leg or Knee raises).
Rest 60sec.

A3. 10-20 Weighted plank pull through.
Rest 60sec.

Conditioning (CF Open style).
18min Amrap.
5 Power clean.
15 Chest to bar (Pull up. Scale as needed).
30 Box step up 24″/20″.
RX 65/45kg.
Scale 50/35kg.

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