
CrossFit Coleraine

Saturday Session 31/10/20

Saturday Session Halloween Chipper


Warm up

2 sets

3 Inch worm.


5-8/leg Single leg RDL’S.


10 Alt Lateral lunge.


30sec/side 3 point plank.



31 Burpee.


31 Alt DB Power Clean.


31 DB Box step up 24/20.


31 Double unders (Single unders x 2).


31 Ab mat sit up.


31 Double unders *Single unders x 2).


31 DB Shoulder to overhead.


31 DB Box step up.


31 Alt DB Power snatch.


31 Burpee.


DB weight:

RX 22.5/15kg.

Scaled 17.5/10kg.

Today’s WOD 30/10/20

Warm up.
3 sets.
5-10 Scap pull up.

5-8 Pike push up.

10 Prisoner Good mornings.

Strength. Week 6.
3 sets
*A1. 5 Strict Chest to bar (Add weight if possible).
*Scale: 5 Banded Chest to bar or pull up or Banded lat pulldown.

Rest 60sec.

A2. 4-6/arm DB/KB Z press (Increase weight from week 4).

Rest 60sec.

10min Amrap.
20/16 Cal (Row/Bike/Ski).
10 Deadlift (Goal: Unbroken or 2 sets)
Barbell weight:
RX 105/70kg. Scaled 80/50kg.

*15 Hspu (Goal: Unbroken or 2 sets. Scale/Adjust reps based on ability).

*Scale: Dual DB/KB Push press.

Today’s WOD 29/10/20

Endurance (Choose your machine)

A. 3min ascending ladder.
3 Cal.
6 Cal.
9 Cal.
Add 3 cal each rd.
Reset monitor every rd.

Rest 3min.

B. 6min ascending ladder.

Rest 3min.

C. 9min ascending ladder.

Goal is to Row/Ski/Bike at a sustainable cal/hr.

Today’s WOD 28/10/20

Warm up.
2-3 sets.
10 Dislocates.

5/side Greatest stretch.

5 Snatch grip RDL’s.

5 Hang muscle snatch.

Power clean.

*Lateral burpee over BB.

*Scale step over over BB.

Barbell weight:
RX 52.5/35kg.
Sc 40/30kg.
Scale weight accordingly.

Remaining time.
Build to 3RM Hang power snatch

3 sets.
B1. 5-8/leg DB/KB Crossbody RDL’s @ tempo 30X1.

Rest 60sec.
B2. 4-6/leg Goblet hold Cossack squat @ tempo 31X1.

Rest 60sec.
B3. 20sec/side Side plank reach through.

Rest 60sec.

Today’s WOD 27/10/20

Warm up.
2 sets
10 Weighted Jefferson curls (Light weight).

10 Reverse lunge w/t OH reach.

20 Toe reaches.

Gymnastics. Week 5.
A. 3 sets
5-10 Kipping swing (Perfect form).
Rest 60sec b/t sets.

B 3 sets
B1. 5-10 Kipping swing.
Rest 30sec.
B2. 5-10 Kipping swing w/t Knee tuck.
Rest 90sec b/t sets.

A. 3-4 sets.
A1. *Hanging L-sit Amsap.
Rest 30sec.

A2. Toes to bar Amrap-2.
Rest 2.30-3min b/t sets.

*Scale: Single leg or hanging knee tuck.

20min. Start a new rd every 5min.
Buy in 500m/400m Row (1000m/800m Bike).

Into Amrap
6 Chest to Bar (Scale to Pull up, Jumping pull up or Ring rows).

6 Pistols (Pick a scale option that allows you to focus on quality and keep moving).

6 V up (Scale to single leg V up or Tuck up).

Min 5-10. Rd 2. 8 reps.
Min 10-15. Rd 3. 10 reps.
Min 15-20. Rd 4. 12 reps.

Today’s WOD 26/10/20

Warm up.

3 sets.
5/side Greatest stretch.

5 Barbell Kang squats.

60sec Contralateral Deadbug

Strength. Week 6
Back squat (20min).
3 sets 5 reps @ 83-88%.
Rest 3min b/t sets.

6 sets.
60sec complete *50 Double unders.
In remaining time Amrap

Sets 1,3,5. Alt Hang DB Clean & Jerk.

Sets 2,4,6. Alt DB snatch (RX Full snatch).

Rest 60sec b/t sets.

DB weight: RX 22.5/15kg. Scaled 17.5/10kg.

*Adjust double unders reps to ensure you have a minimum of 30sec of work with DB.

Saturday Session 24/10/20

Warm up.
3 sets.
10 Alt Reverse lunge w/t overhead reach.

10 Prisoner Good mornings.

10 Alt Windscreen wipers.

A. 6min Amrap.
12/8 Cal (Row/Bike/Sk).
6 D-ball over box 30/24.

Rest 4min (Clean. Set up for next workout).

B. 6min Amrap.
6/arm DB Hang Clean & Split Jerk.

12 Air squat.

Rest 4min (Clean. Set up next workout).

C. 6min Amrap.
Run 3 Laps.
12 Russian KB swings.

Choose weights that will allow you to keep moving and maintaining good technique.

Today’s WOD 23/10/20

Warm up

3 sets. 

8 Cat & Cow.

5-8 Sphinx push up.

20 Alt Glute bridge march.

Strength. Week 5.
A. 4 sets
A1. 5 Floor press (Legs straight or bent)

Rest 60sec.

A2. 10-20sec/arm Single arm Ring row iso hold.

Rest 60sec.

12min Amrap.
*Pull up (See below for options).
6 Thrusters RX 35/25kg. Scaled 25/17.5kg.

9/7 Cal (Row, Bike, Ski).

*RX+ 3 Bar muscle up.
RX 6 Chest to bar or Pull up.
Scaled 6 Banded pull up or Ring row.

Today’s WOD 22/10/20

Warm up.
3 sets
60sec Machine.

10/side Staggered stance toe touch.

10 Alt Table tops with reach.

10 Alt Plank shoulder taps.

20min Amrap.
20 Cal.
20 Burpee.
20 Cal.
20 Alt reverse lunge.

Today’s WOD 21/10/20

Warm up.
2 sets
5/side Thread the needle/T-spine rotation.

5 RDL’s.

5 Muscle clean.

5 Rocket jumps

CF games Annie (15min Time cap).
Double Unders (Single unders x 2).
Ab mat sit up.
5-4-3-2-1 Clean (Any style).
RX+ 105/70kg.
RX 85/60kg.
SC 60/40kg.
(BB weight approx 80% of max).

Accessory (Quality movement).
2 sets.
B1. 8/leg DB/KB Crossbody RDL’s @ tempo 30X1.

Rest 60sec.

B2. 5/leg Goblet hold Cossack squat @ tempo 31X1.

Rest 60sec.

B3. 20sec/side Side plank reach through.

Rest 60sec.

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