Warm up.
2 sets
5/side Thread the needle/T-spine rotation.

5 RDL’s.

5 Muscle clean.

5 Rocket jumps

CF games Annie (15min Time cap).
Double Unders (Single unders x 2).
Ab mat sit up.
5-4-3-2-1 Clean (Any style).
RX+ 105/70kg.
RX 85/60kg.
SC 60/40kg.
(BB weight approx 80% of max).

Accessory (Quality movement).
2 sets.
B1. 8/leg DB/KB Crossbody RDL’s @ tempo 30X1.

Rest 60sec.

B2. 5/leg Goblet hold Cossack squat @ tempo 31X1.

Rest 60sec.

B3. 20sec/side Side plank reach through.

Rest 60sec.