Category: Wods

CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 1st October 2014

Strict press 5,5,5,5,5 80% of 1rep max superset with 5 tempo strict pull ups 3131 WOD 7 minute FOR REPS 5 pullups 10pushups 15 situps 10 pullups 15 pushups 20 situps 15 pullups 20 pushups 25 sit-ups.    And so on…….image

Today’s WOD 21st June 2014


12min work up to a heavy hang power snatch + hang snatch



3 rounds for total reps

60sec burpee

60sec hang power snatch 35/25kg

60sec box jump 24/24

60sec chest to bar

60sec rest

Today’s WOD 19th June 2014


Pull up complex. 5 sets of:
3 strict chest to bar
3 strict pull up
3 Kipping chest to bar

Wall walks or handstand walks

7min amrap

3 wall walks
21 wall ball 9/6kg 10’/9′

Today’s WOD 14th June 2014

12min work up to heavy 5 rep deadlift.

12min amrap

3 strict hspu
6 deadlift 100/70kg
12 pull up
24 double unders

Scaling options on whiteboard


Today’s WOD 3rd June 2014


Heavy 5 rep touch & go power clean


6min amrap
5 pull up
10 power clean 42.5/30kg
15 double unders

Rest 1min

Then accumulate 2min in a L-hold

1 2 3 6