
CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 8th March 2014


Overhead squat 5 x 5 (controlled down, fast out of bottom position)



CrossFit Open 14.2 workout.

3mins complete 2rds: 10 ohs 42.5/30kg

10 chest to bar

3mins complete 2rds: 12 ohs

12 chest to bar


continue same format by adding 2 reps until you can not complete the 2rds in 3min

Today’s WOD 3rd March 2014


Back squat 5 x 3 with 3 sec pause same weight across sets (no heavier than 65%, focus is speed out of bottom position)




3 x 3min amrap 60 sec rest between each amrap

3 deadlift 120/80kg

6 push up

9 air squat