
CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 19th May 2015


10min omem 3 Power clean & Power jerk @70%. 2sec pause in catch of each rep of Power clean.


In 8min complete
100 double unders
Then in remaining time ascending ladder of

3 Deadlift 100/70kg
3 Toes to bar

Add 3 reps each rd.

Today’s WOD 15th May 2015


15min build to heavy 5 rep deadlift. Clean grip. Reset each rep.


In 10min complete
50 Kettlebell snatch 24/16kg
40 Box jump 24/20
30 Deadlift 70/45nkg
20 Toes to bar
10 Handstand push up

In remaining time amrap of Cleans 70/45kg

Today’s WOD 14th May 2015

Catch up.

Spend 15min working on strength/skill you have missed this week.


60sec max chin up
60sec rest
60sec hollow rocks or hollow holds
60sec rest
60sec handstand walk or handstand hold (nose & toes to wall)
60sec rest

Today’s WOD 9th May 2015

Team workout.

Teams of 3

18min amrap. (Score max calories)

30 lateral burpee box jump overs 20″
30 deadlift 70/45kg
30 toes to bar

1 athlete works at a time
1 athlete must always be on a rower.