Home Gym

Weightlifting. Snatch.
10min omem. 3 Hang snatch.
Keep light to moderate weight. Focus extension & speed under the bar.

10min Amrap.
50 DB facing burpee.
50 DB Clean & Split jerk (Switch hands anytime).
Remaining time Amrap Wall ball (Sub Squat jumps).

Home Workouts.
Minimal & No equipment.
Warm up.
3 sets.
8/leg Staggered stance toe touch.
8 Sumo squats.
8/side High pull.

Minimal equipment.
25min Amrap.
20 Russian swings.
20 Goblet squat.
200′ Shuttle run (Done in 8×25′).
20 Clean & Jerk (Switch arms any time).
20 Toe touch Jumping jack.

No equipment.
25min Amrap.
20 Odd object Russian swings.
20 Rucksack front squat.
200′ Shuttle run (Done in 8×25′).
20 Rucksack Clean & Jerk.
20 Toe touch Jumping jack.