Home Gym

Strength Week 2.
Bench press. 10 @ 60%. 8 @ 70%. 8 @ 75%. 8 @ 80%.
rest as needed b/t sets.

4min Amrap.
30 Air squat.
20 Push press 42.5/30kg.
10 Toes to bar (Sub V up).
Rest 60sec.
4min Amrap.
10 T2B.
30 Air squat.
20 Push press.
Rest 60sec.
4min Amrap.
20 Push press.
10 T2B.
30 Air squat.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
5 Plank to Down dog.
10/leg Staggered stance toe touch.
5 Broad jump.

Minimal equipment.
10min omem 3 Strict press @ 50-60% of max. If no barbell. Perform Strict handstand push up.

15min omem.
1. 3-5 Wall walks (Scale: 8-10 inchworm + push up).
2. 30sec Deck squats.
3. 30sec Plank Crossbody Knee to Elbow.

3 sets 12-15 Bicep curls. Rest 60-90sec b/t sets.

No equipment.
10min omem Strict handstand push up (Pick rep scheme to focus on quality. 1-5 reps).
Shspu scale:
Off ab mat.
Pike off box.
Pike off floor.

As above.

Finisher. 3 sets 12-15 Rucksack Bicep curls. Rest 60sec b/t sets.