Home Gym

Strength. Week 4.
Push press 3 sets 3 @ 75+% of Week 1 heavy single.
Rest as needed b/t sets.

12min Amrap.
60 Toes to bar (Sub V up if no pull up bar).
50 Bar facing burpee.
40 Deadlift 100/70kg.
30 Strict handstand push up (Scale as needed).

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

30min Amrap.
3 rds.
75 Double unders.
20 Jump switch lunges.
20 Single leg V up.
2 rds.
30 Glute bridges.
20 Straight leg sit up.
10 Handstand push up (Scale as needed).
1 rd.
60sec Wall sit.
200′ Bear crawl.

This is a 30min Amrap. If you complete all rounds within the the time go back to the start.