Home Gym

Strength. Week 6.
A. Back squat. 6 @ 70%. 6 @ 80%. 3 @ 90%. 2 @ 95%.
Rest as needed b/t sets.
B. Front squat. 5 @ 65%. 4 @ 75%. 2 sets 4 @ 80%.
Rest 2.30min b/t sets.

3-5 sets.
6 Box jump overs 24/20 (No touch).
Rest 15sec.
12 Unbroken Sumo deadlift (Choose challenging weight but can complete reps unbroken).
Rest 15sec.
20 Weighted Box step up 24/20 (Hold DB/KB).
Rest 15sec.

Home Workouts
Minimal & No equipment.

Warm up.
3 sets.
5-8/side Thread the needle.
30sec Handstand hold (Back to wall).
5-8/arm Single arm high pull (DB/KB/Odd object).

20min Amrap.
21 Cal Row/Bike (300m Run).
15 Hspu (Strict or Kipping). Scale as needed.
*9 Strict Chest to bar/Pull up (Sub Bent over row).
*No equipment sub Rucksack bent over rows.

Midline strength.
3 sets.
30sec Hollow hold.
Rest 30sec.
10/leg Piked leg lift.
Rest 30sec.
20 Toe touch.
Rest 60sec.