
CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 17th June 2019

10min omem.
1 Clean pull + 1 Hang power clean + 1 Jerk (Any style).

Conditioning. (Courtesy of TTT).
Teams of 2
12min YG,IG
2 Barbell complex.
8 CTB.
24 Double unders.

Power clean + Hang clean + Thruster + Push press.

2 DB complex (1/arm).
8 Ring rows.
24 Mountain climbers.

Today’s WOD 12th June 2019

Strength. Week 2.
Front squat contrast waves.
1,6,1,6,1,6 (Increase weight from last week).

Strength accessory.
3 sets.
10-12 Good mornings.
Rest 60sec.
8-10/leg Goblet Cossack squats.
Rest 60sec.
20-30sec Copenhagen plank.
Rest 60sec.

Today’s WOD 11th June 2019

Gymnastics. Week 3.
Toes to bar.


1000m Run.
Into 5min Amrap.
20 KB Snatch 24/16kg.
10 V up.
Then into.
1000m Run.
Into Amrap in remaining time.
20 Single arm DB Push press 22.5/15kg.
10 No push up No jump Burpee.

Today’s WOD 10th June 2019

Oly. Week 3.

10min omem.
1 Snatch pull + 2 Hang power snatch 70-77.5% of Max.

45 Thrusters 42.5/30kg.
45 Pull up.
45 BJSD.

22/arm Single arm DB Thruster.
45 Ring rows.
45 BJSD.

*Can partition reps*

Today’s WOD 9th June 2019

6min Ladder.
3 Bench press 60/40kg.
3 Dual DB Power clean 22.5/15kg.
Add 3 reps each rd.

Rest 5min.

10min omem.
Odd. 40sec Max effort Burpee box jump overs.
Even. 40sec Farmers carry (Pick challenging weight).

Rest 5min.
3-4 sets.
30sec Hollow rocks.
30sec Arch rocks.
10/side Side plank rotations. Rest as needed.