
CrossFit Coleraine

Today’s WOD 20/3/20

Strength. Gymnastics
Wtd Strict pull up.
build to 3RM.

4 sets 3-5 reps BW Strict pull or Use lightest band as possible.

17min Broken Amrap. 2min Work/60sec Rest. (Start where you finish).
21/16 Cal Row/Bike.
7/arm DB C&SJ.
14 BJO 24/20.

See whiteboard for RX/Scaled

Home workout

15 Ruck sack clean.
10 Push up to Down dog.
15 Ruck sake Push press.
200′ Shuttle run with Ruck sack (8 x 25′ Shuttles).

Today’s WOD 18/3/20

Week 11. Weightlifting.
4 sets.
Clean to thruster. 1 rep E20sec x 6.
Rest 90sec. (Increase weight from week 8).

BB complex omem (15min cap).
3 Hang power clean.
3 Front squat.
3 Thruster.

Home workout.

3 sets.
A1. 45-60sec Deadbug.
Rest 60sec.
A2. 10-12 Alt Cossack squat (Slow tempo, use weight if possible).
Rest 60sec.
A3. 45-60sec Glute bridge march.
Rest 60sec.

5min Ladder.
4 Alt Reverse lunge.
25 DU/SU.
8 Alt Reverse lunge.
25 DU/SU.
Add 4 reps each rd. Sub DU/SU with Jumping Jacks.

Rest 5min.

5min Ladder.
5 Deadlift.
20 Russian twists.
10 Deadlift.
20 Russian twists.
Add 5 reps each rd.

Today’s WOD 17/3/20

Week 11 Gymnastics.
kipping ring/bar dip skill work.
A. 2-3 x 3-5 knee drive.
B. 2-3 x 3-5 knee dive + press.
C, 2-3 x 3-5 knee drive + kick & press).

Scaled. Self assisted dip. Jump to support + negative ring/bar dip. Ring/Strict push up.

St. Paddy Loves Gymnastics. 17min Amrap.
17 Target burpee.
17 Pull up.
17 Hspu.
17 T2B.

Home workout.
St. Paddy’s Day Amrap. 17min.
17 Burpee.
17 Odd object bent over row.
17 Piked Hspu/Hrpu.
17 V up/Tuck up/Sit up.

Today’s WOD 16/3/20

Strength Week 11.

Front squat.
20min build to Tough single.

8min Amrap.
5 KB snatch (Right).
10 SA FR Step back lunge (Switch hands anytime).
5 KB snatch (Left).
10 Air squat.

See whiteboard for RX+/RX/Scaled

Home workout.
2-3 sets.
10 Alt Lateral lunge.
15 Brush shaft Good mornings.
10 Wide stance air squat.

3 sets.
A1. 12-15/leg Bulgarian split squats (Rest 20sec b/t legs). Rest 60sec.
A2. 8/leg Single leg RDL’s (Rest 20sec b/t legs).
Rest 60sec.

10min Amrap.
10/leg Single leg Step up.
20-30sec/side Side plank (Rest 10sec b/t sides).
10 Air squat.
45-60sec Deadbug.

Today’s WOD 14/3/20

Saturday Session

Teams of 2.
AGOQ Mash up

100 DB snatch.
50 Cal.
100 Pogo burpee over DB.

20 Dual KB Deadlift.
40 Def Hspu.
60 KB Goblet squat.

25-31min (YG,IG)
4/arm SA DB Thrusters.
50 DU/SU.

See whiteboard for RX/Scaled.

Today’s WOD 13/3/20

Strength. Week 10.

Close grip Floor press.
15min Build to heavy single.

15 DB Floor press.
12 Strict pull up.
9 DB Thrusters.

See whiteboard for RX+/RX/Scaled

Today’s WOD 11/3/20

Week 10. Weightlifting.

4 sets. Power Clean & Power Jerk 1 rep E20sec x 6.
Rest 90sec (Increase weight from week 7).

40 Box jump (Any how).
30 Ab mat sit up.
20 Power clean.
10 Stoh.
Rest 4min.
10 Stoh.
20 Power clean.
30 Ab mat sit up.
40 Box jump (Any how).

Today’s WOD 10/3/20

Week 10 Gymnastics.

kipping ring/bar dip skill work.
A. 2-3 x 3-5 knee drive.
B. 2-3 x 3-5 knee dive + press.
C. 2-3 x 3-5 knee drive + kick & press.

Scaled. Self assisted dip. Jump to support + negative ring/bar dip. Ring/Strict push up.

Teams of 2.
18min Ascending ladder.
2rds of Nate.
250m/200m Row. 500m/400m Bike.
4rds of Nate.
250m/200m Row. 500m/400m Bike.
6rds of Nate.
250m/200m Row. 500m/400m Bike.
Add 2rds each rd.